
arbo-ref-tInstant determination of the minimum required shellwall thickness at the tree by using this software on a smartphone, tablet or notebook/laptop.

If a tree has internal defects, for example at the stem base, this ArboRefT™ helps arborists immediately evaluating the structural stability by comparing the actual affected cross section with an unaffected cross section of the same trunk. The app determines the average shellwall thickness required in the affected area to provide the same breaking safety as the unaffected (reference) cross section.

Experts using one of our (real) RESISTOGRAPH® types will be able to determine the remaining average shell-wall thickness of the defected tree for immediate evaluation of structural stability with ArboRefT™. In addition, profiles of (real) RESISTOGRAPH® devices provide expert information of the extension trends of internal stem decay together with clear information on sequential external compensatory (adaptive) radial increment growth.

Collectively, the use of ArborefT™ together with a (real) RESISTOGRAPH ® enables experienced experts to reliably decide about treesafety and make more accurate prognosis of decay, recommendations on pruning and communicate this clearly to the client.

  • Input: Tree height, height of lower edge of the crown, height and average diameter or the intact and decayed cross sections.
  • Output: minimum average intact stem-wall thickness in the damaged area that is required for stability.
  • Discounts available for RINNTECH® clients, students, neutral research and education institutions.

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