Timber Testing Services

Time and money can be saved with good data, so the key to successful timber testing is to understand wood and decay patterns, many of which are hidden inside the structure. Using the Resistograph® Julian can locate and diagnose the decay patterns and provide valuable insights for structural engineers and architects. Julian’s hands on experience includes  milling lumber, building a timber framed house, and working for engineers on all sorts of wood structures such as the Kinsol Trestle on Vancouver Island, B.C.; the Hollow Tree in Stanley Park, B.C.; Totem Poles, bridges, timber framed buildings, log cabins, power poles, wood stave pipe lines, and all manner of wooden structures.

Dunster & Associates is the North American representative for Rinntech, the  company that invented the Resistograph® micro resistance drill, and the Arbotom sonic tomography machine.

Examples of past projects